Stacey Messing

Meet Stacey…Beating Plateaus

My name is Stacey Messing. I am a wife and mother of 2 children (two dogs (Sheltie and Scottish Terrier). I work as an occupational therapist with both children and adults and enjoy the outdoors, photography, and especially fitness-my favorite is road biking. After the birth of my second child in 2006, I began walking and started weight watchers. After 7 months I had lost 45 pounds. I then joined a gym and increased my exercise routine but four years later found nothing had significantly changed. I had tried changing my workouts, eating more eating less, increasing my carbs decreasing my carbs, and anything else anyone recommended.

In April 2012 I was introduced to Angie’s Way after asking a friend of mine what she was doing to create the changes that I was seeing in her body. That very day I contacted Angie and by a week or 2 later had my consultation and after one more week I had my meal plan and was ready to go! In just a few short weeks after starting with Angie’s Way the plateau was beaten!! My goal of losing 10 # was surpassed, I was being referred to as ‘small’ and every week I was seeing something else change! Overall, I was able to drop more than one size and 14.5# in just 6 weeks. The continued commitment to the lifestyle has been amazing and changes continued long after the 6 weeks…I have embraced the lifestyle and no longer know how to live any other way!

Last summer (2013) I took a stab at competition prep, which proved too challenging to pursue at this stage in my life, however the changes that I was able to achieve through this level of discipline were so satisfying!! I continue to learn and change and yes, struggle at times, but Angie is always there to support and tweak and provide what is needed. I am actively involved with Angie’s Way and so dedicated to the lifestyle, that I have compiled nearly every recipe endorsed by Angie which proves to be an ongoing project as she is continuously providing new and exciting things to entice clean eating. The opportunity to have met and be involved with Angie and all she stands for, she says, is truly an honor.